Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Chicago Marathon Registration Closed
Running with a Garmin
I don't usually see but one or two people during these weekday lunch runs and I was sorta counting on that today. I was running late this morning and just made sure that I had one each of my running gear. When I went down to the fitness center to change, I realized I had burgundy shorts, purple socks, and orange shoes (and a white shirt). It was a truly a fashion police alert and of course I saw more people on the trails today than I've seen combined since I started running at lunch weekdays back in October. C'est la vie!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
TV Alert: Ryan Shay Special Tonight
It's been nearly six months since Ryan Shay collapsed and died during the Men's Olympic Marathon
Trials, sending shock waves through the running community and leaving his wife,
Alicia, a widow just months after their marriage.
Tonight at 7:00 p.m.,
Eastern time, ESPN's sports news
show E:60 airs a segment on Ryan and Alicia. (The piece on the Shays is about 20
minutes of the one-hour show.)
A press release offers the following
E:60 reporter Lisa Salters sits down with Ryan’s widow, Alicia,
to explore Shay’s promising running career and sudden death. Alicia
recalls her last words to Ryan and her impressions of him when she saw him
running barely a mile before he took his last steps. She also recounts her
struggle to move forward without her husband and best friend while she continues
to train for the U.S. women’s Olympic trials in the 10,000 meters.
“I just think about him all the time,” Alicia says, “I’d like to say that I feel
his presence with me all the time, but in all honesty there is a huge void
If you can't catch the first airing, ESPN2 will re-run the show at 11:00
p.m. (EST)
I'm going to try and catch this tonight; may have to be ESPN2 at 10 because I have a conference call here at work scheduled til 6. The clip that I saw on ESPN looked really sad. Alicia is scheduled to resume her racing this Sunday running the 10K at the Cardinal Invitational. That's gonna be a tough race for her as Sunday would have been Ryan's 29th birthday.
It's hard to believe its been almost 6 months since the US mens Olympic qualifying trials in New York. I remember trying to watch the trials that Satursday morning online but couldn't connect for some reason. I was shocked when reading later that day about Ryan's death. I was still feeling bummed about his death the following Tuesday when I discovered that we share the same birthday (just 15 years apart). His death along with the 3 everyday non elite runners the month before (Chicago and Army 10 miler the hot weekend and Boardwalk 1/2 in Atlantic City the following weekend) prompted me to schedule an appointment with my cardiologist. I have a heart condition (WPW Syndrome) and a family history of high blood pressure and I had not followed up on my condition in about 10 years. I underwent a nuclear imaging stress test and an echocardiogram in December and just started taking blood pressure meds earlier this month.
I went for a run during lunch today; it was absolutely gorgeous weather out there today. It felt so much better out there compared to last week.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Sunday Afternoon Long Run
I still have some pain in my left achilles; I probably should be icing it now.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Dead Legs
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Nature Trail Weekday Lunch Time Run
Its gonna probably take a week or two to acclimate to the warmer, humid weather that we are starting to experience here in the Houston area. That said, I'm already looking forward to the first cool, fall weather we get over 6 months from now!!!! Oh well, maybe we can squeeze one more cool snap before the summer heat settles in.
I need to start stretching after running, especially these lunch runs. That will give me time to ccol down in addition to improving my flexibility. I was still sweating after showering and getting back to work upstairs. It kinda felt like I forgot to dry myself off after the shower.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Flintridge "Hills"
Monday, April 21, 2008
Race to Robie Creek 1 Year Ago
This was my 5th consecutive weekend traveling and I had a head cold mainly due to all the tree pollen in the air here in The Woodlands. I also had my first taste of outer hip pain either due to bursitis or an IT band issue earlier that month. This has been the only race that I've traveled to out of state and seriously considered not starting. The factor that got me to the start line morning of was knowing that I'd have to return to Idaho if I didn't get this race done.
I started the race slow and got slower as the race wore on. I was joined by the majority of runners that walked the steeper inclines in the 8.5 mile ascent. Once over the summit, the last 5 or so miles of the race were pleasant with the steep descent. Around mile 12 I got a minor nose bleed that had me wanting to see the finish line so bad. The bleeding was minor but with less than a mile to go in a 1/2 marathon I had nothing to wipe the blood with so just sort of had to deal with it. That's the only aid station that I had to seek after a race.
After eating my baked potato at the finish (it was Idaho) I caught a bus back to my rental car to get back to my hotel. I slept the rest of the day.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Chasing Weekend Sun
Friday, April 18, 2008
Ricos but no Ritas
I ran the 4.4 mile Alden Bridge loop backwards; we started out slow and ended up with an average pace of 8:45. I felt good again tonight but kept reminding myself to take it easy on the comeback. My mileage for the week is already higher than last weeks with what I consider to be better quality runs as well. Afterwards we grabbed a bite to eat on the side patio at Ricos. I've laid off alcohol since I started taking blood pressure meds earlier this month so had my other vice of choice (diet coke) instead. Grant didn't join us for dinner so I was the only guy there tonight. Heard way too much information on spandex, running bras, and what not. Guess guys have it way easy.
Gonna take today off and see if I get Saturday and/or Sunday mileage in. Should be a great weekend for it!!!!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
One of My Favorite Running Quotes
Kevin Tiller, Sydney Australia
I feel like I'm starting to get my legs back after battling this tendonitis the last 3 months. Now I just need to build up a base the next couple of months in order to start my mid June Chicago marathon training. It's gonna be a long, hot, sweaty summer!!!!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Nature Trail Weekday Lunch Time Run
Monday, April 14, 2008
Nagging Achilles
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Easy weekday running
I picked Waldo up from Dogs Day Inn on the way home from work yesterday afternoon. He was excited to see me. We went for a mile and a half run around 6 last night; he slowed on me near the end but seemed to enjoy himself. My achilles is feeling much better than it was a month or 2 ago; the soreness post run doesn't last nearly as long as before. Just need to continue taking it easy on the recovery.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Journey to Mars

The course was mostly flat on roads that had many potholes; I guess they would call these craters on Mars. In my calendar on, I predicted a 1:59:00 finish time due to my low mileage since mid January due to tendonitis in my lower left achilles. My finish time was 1:58:42... within 18 seconds of my projected time so I guess I should be alright with the performance. The achilles injury plus related weight gain due to inactivity have really slowed me down from just a year ago. I hope to get back in shape in time to begin my June training for Chicago. My mile splits from Sunday along with my 1/2 PR splits last February were:
Mile 1: 9:22/7:52
Mile 2: 8:53/7:33
Mile 3: 8:47/7:35
Mile 4: 8:50/7:13
Mile 5: 8:42/7:10
Mile 6: 8:48/7:30
Mile 7: 8:49/7:28
Mile 8: 8:50/7:22
Mile 9: 8:53/7:32
Mile 10: 9:29/7:42
Mile 11: 9:22/7:35
Mile 12: 9:26/7:30
Last 1.1: 10:24/9:02
Total: 1:58:42/1:39:05
I've been reading alot lately about the airline industry's poor record in flight on time arrivals and such over the past couple of years. I traveled to at least 10 half marathons in 2006 and 2007 and only experienced weather related delays on a couple of instances. I experienced first hand in both my flight to and return from Detroit this past weekend how tight airlines are operating these days. My Continental flight out of IAH Saturday morning was supposed to depart at 10:20 putting me in Detroit mid afternoon with plenty of time to check into the hotel and make it to the expo to pick up my packet. Due to unknown mechanical issues (I guess it's better not knowing sometimes) the flight was delayed over 4 hours. The one good thing about the delay is that the plane was being worked on in a hangar and we were not on board the plane. I ended up getting in my rental car at 7:30 and rushed to the expo to get my packet right before it shut down at 8:00.
My return flight was on Northwest. I got to the airport early and was able to get onto an earlier flight. We boarded the plane about 10 minutes later than planned, taxied to the runway, had a sensor fail and had to taxi back. A quick fix was performed while we remained on board and we taxied out a 2nd time only to have the same problem and had to taxi back to the gate again. A more extensive repair was done while we remained on board and after over a 2 hour delay spent on board the aircraft we taxied a 3rd time and finally took off. I'm glad I have over 2 months before my next scheduled trip. It really amazed me that both Continental at IAH and Northwest in Detroit, both major hubs for the respective airlines, did not have standby planes available.
Friday, April 4, 2008
The Other Boston Marathon;The_ULTIMATE_Beer_mini_Marathon
The event brings back memories of the Barathon held every May in uptown New Orleans. That event has 6 bars and about 6 miles; there is no set course but every bar must be visited in the assigned order. A beer every bar and many more post race always made for a great run!!!
Last night was our Thursday night social run from Rico's in Alden Bridge. I did the shorter route.... still on my comeback/taper schedule and thought the 4 miles were pretty tough last night. That will most likely be it until I run the Martian 1/2 in Dearborn, MI Sunday morning. I need to keep telling myself to treat it as a training run. I need to recover so that I can start my Chicago training healthy in June.