Thursday, February 27, 2014


Order in which state was run: 41

Order in which state was admitted into the union: 1

Adopted on July 24, 1913, the Delaware state flag has a background of colonial blue surrounding a diamond of buff color in which the coat of arms of the state is placed. Below the diamond are the words "December 7, 1787," indicating the day on which Delaware was the first state to ratify the United States constitution. Because of this action, Delaware became the first state in the Union, and is, therefore, accorded the first position in such national events as presidential inaugurations. According to members of the original commission established to design the flag, the shades of buff and colonial blue represent those of the uniform of General George Washington. Inside the diamond, the flag recognizes the importance of commerce {the ship} and agriculture {wheat, corn, the ox and the farmer} to the state. Tribute is also paid to the revolutionary war soldiers. The words in the ribbon banner read Liberty and Independence.

Date: March 21, 2010
Race: Caesar Rodney Half Marathon
City: Wilmington
Cost: $42.60

Trip Report

Caesar Rodney was much smaller than the National Half that I ran the day before.  It was a standalone half compared to the companion National event that included a marathon.

Up next: Wyoming

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