Friday, February 5, 2010

Hurry Up TFL

I attempted my first run last night after pulling my Tensor Faciae Latae muscle (right side) a week earlier on a 5 mile lunchtime run.  The muscle seemed to be loosening up nicely throughout the week and by Wednesday I was feeling pretty good walking and moving around in general.  My first mistake last night was that I forgot to tape the muscle with kinesio tape before running.  I noticed pain a few steps into the run; it was by no means a 10 on a 1-10 pain scale but it remained a solid 6 throughout the almost 4 mile run.  I think more time off is needed in order to speed recovery.  Listen to thy body....
In the meantime, I bought my first video game console since Mattel electronics Intellivision unit in the late 70s.  I'll try and keep occupied with Wii sports while my leg heals.

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