Monday, March 31, 2014

Week 7 Training Recap

Day 8 of my week 7 training plan ended today.  The modified Hal Higdon intermediate half marathon plan that I set up before starting training called for a 5k run on Saturday.  Early on in training I realized that I would not be able to run most of the scheduled training runs so I opted to not register for the 5k.

So the modified modified plan called for me to run 10 miles on Sunday.  I spent Sunday spectating at the 5150 New Orleans Triathlon event so I pushed my one week 7 run to Monday, day 8 of said week 7.  In keeping with the fuzzy math, week 8 will now be a 6 day cut back week.

I had pain in my right Achilles all week due to tight calves at the start of week 6's long run.  The tight calves were due to climbing up and down a ladder a few hours the previous Friday.  The week 6 run was not impacted but I certainly dealt with the achilles pain this entire long run.  I ran 8.75 miles of the scheduled 10 miles.  Hopefully the pain will subside and I will be able get back on schedule training wise.

Other than running, I rowed for 15 minutes Tuesday and rowed a 5k distance on Thursday and Saturday.  I had a massage Wednesday that focused on the calf and achilles itself.

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