Thursday, March 20, 2014


Order in which state was run: 44

Order in which state was admitted into the union: 29

Having three vertical stripes blue, white and red the Iowa flag resembles the flag of France. On the white stripe is a bald eagle carrying a blue streamer in its beak. The state motto "Our Liberties We Prize, and Our Rights We will Maintain" is written on the streamer. The name of the state is emblazoned in red letters. Flag adopted 1921.



Date: April 30, 2011
Race: Drake Relays Half Marathon

City: Des Moines
Cost: $27.75

Trip Report

With only 7 states remaining, the possibility of back to back states became more challenging.  In 2011 the calendar was favorable in that I was able to make a trip out of running an Iowa race held the last Saturday of April and a nearby Nebraska event held the first Sunday of May.  I flew into Kansas City for the second of an eventual three times for nearby races.

The Drake Relays road races are held in conjunction with the Drake Relays track meets.  I believe this race had the toughest minute per mile time limit of any event that I have ever run.  While 14:00 minutes per mile don't seem that much faster than the normal 16:00 minute per mile limits from a walking standpoint it becomes much more difficult to complete.


Up next: Nebraska

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