Saturday, June 23, 2012

Added a Day to My August Western Trip

I spent 30 some odd minutes on hold with United Airlines this morning in order to change my upcoming return flight for my Oregon/California trip.  I didn't see a way to change my reservation without a fee using the UA website so the wait time was well worth it in my opinion.  The change was free as UA eliminated the return flight that I initially booked and had placed me on an  earlier flight the same day.  However, I will be returning to San Francisco from Yosemite the day of my scheduled return flight so I would have had to leave the Awahnee at the crack of dawn to make my flight.  At $500+ a night for this once in a lifetime stay in Yosemite, I will now have all day to get back to San Francisco for my flight the following day. 

I will now have a full week out west to run .1 miles shy of a half marathon in my 47th state.  I'm sure I'll learn the history of why the event is a 13.0 miler and not a half marathon when I get there but I now have no idea why the distances for Crater Lake are marathon, 13.0 and 6.7 miles.  I'm counting on not running the tangents to get me to half marathon distance.  Hopefully the state chaser auditors won't bust me.  I already see where the Half Fanatics have removed the event from their website. 

I have been taking the stairs from the 12th floor where I work up to the 17th floor when I head to the fitness center at lunch weekdays.  I also have been going up and down even farther distances on the stairs with co-workers at different times of the day.  Hopefully this will help somewhat with the 1000 foot elevation changes I will encounter at Crater Lake.

After a few weeks of being back running at lunch in this heat and humidity, I felt like I was somewhat acclimatized this past week.  Either that or the weather pattern was just different.

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