Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Enough with the Heat

After having a good week of running (and thinking that I was actually adjusting to running in hot, humid weather), I had a run last night that had me questioning why I would ever want to run ever again.  I heard in this morning's weather forecast that this August is shaping up to be the hottest August ever on record here in the Houston area. 
Late yesterday afternoon, there were a few pop up showers here in The Woodlands.  They weren't big enough showers to really drop the temps any but just made it one big outdoor sauna.  I had a 5 mile run on the schedule so I headed to run the hills of Flintridge.  There was no movement in the air at all; in some places on the concrete pathways, you could just feel heat radiating all around you.  It was so hot, my garmin threw in the towel at the 4 mile mark and just toggled repeatedly between the 3 display screens.  It looked like it was still capturing data from the run but I couldn't make it stop toggling.  At the end of the run, the On/Off button didn't shut it off.  I used the mode/reset button combination to successfully turn it off.  When I downloaded the data, all that showed up was the first 4 miles of the run.
With the heat advisory still in effect, I will be running the mileage on my training plan but just taking it alot slower.  Still hoping for that cool California weather in 2 1/2 weeks!

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