Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Training Between Zones

I need to start focusing on running my easy pace runs at the correct pace. Yesterdays short 3 mile run was slightly faster than it should have been. I think the fact that I hadn't run since Saturday morning plus the drizzle had alot to do with that. I ran 7 at lunch today at a pace even faster than yesterdays pace. The pace for the past 2 days has been much closer to easy pace than marathon pace but I think I still need to make more of an effort to maintain the correct pace on these runs.

My left Achilles tightened up on me after Saturday's 14 mile long run. Driving for 4+ hours probably had something to do with that. It took all the rest of Saturday and most of Sunday to get it loosened up again.


K said...

If I could get my paces in sync with my body, life would be great!

The days I am supposed to run easy, I am too fast. The days I am supposed to run tempo or even marathon pace, I am slow.

Maybe I should run my week, then assign each day a "label" afterwards?

OK... I guess it doesn't work that way...

Pat said...

I like the "week in review" approach;